
Design for intuition

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

Design for intuition 💡

The following sections display the same address data in the same order.

Which do you think your users would find easier to read?

An example of an intuitive address block (left) and not intuitive one (right)

You probably said the one on the left. Because people expect certain bits of data to be displayed in a certain format. Those formats are often internationally recognised and something most people are so familiar with, that they can intuitively use that format with no extra training. An address block is a good example of this.

All to often as administrators, we can get so caught up in the technical aspects of the tools that we're using and the features we're trying build; that we lose track of who we're building things for.

We'd suggest that when designing pages you work out what's best and most intuitive for the user first; and then build to that ideal outcome. Rather than building your page first and then giving your users a confusing design that is not intuitive.

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