
Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

HR Exports provide users with the ability to create a data file that can be easily read by other software. A range of output formats are supported such as excel, CSV and even fixed length for all you old school dot matrix 📜 users. If you need a JSON output then take a look at our APIs.

Creating an export

Before you can start exporting data out to a file you need to set up a specific Export utility, which tells HR what format that file will have and what content it will contain. After you've set up a export you can run it again as many times as you like, or schedule it to run repeatedly with a batch job.


On the first tab of the export you can set up the name and description of the export; along with setting which records will be included in the final output through the selection type; and the output format of the file.


When selecting the output format you can choose from six options.

The most commonly used types are excel worksheet and delimited file (CSV) outputs.

Adding a related table allows you to include history or child data in your export. For example, adding the Absence table would allow you to export multiple rows of absence data for each person included in the export.

Related tables can also be filtered and the have a limit applied to the number of rows included.


The columns tab allows you to specify which columns to be included in the export and the order they will be displayed in the file.

Clicking the add button will present a number of options:


Multiple types of column can be included in the export.

Column : A piece of data from Advanced HR, like someone's Date of birth, or the duration of an absence.

Calculation : A value that is calculated when the export is run.

Value : A fixed value that is the same for every row of the export.

Filler : A blank column.

Carriage return : Forces the export to start a new line.

Record number : Returns a unique identifier for the record.

Table & Column

The columns to be included can be specified. If related tables have been chosen then columns can be selected from each of those tables.


It is possible to automatically convert the case of any character based data. No conversion will be applied by default.

Sort order

The order of rows can be specified from the Sort order tab. Multiple columns can be added, each set to either ascending or descending.

Sort dates descending if you want the most recent rows at the top.


The options tab contain choices relating to formating of data; including what headers or footers to use and how dates should be displayed.


The output tab contains options relating to the formating of the output file. Different options will be shown depending on the type of file was selected on the definition.

Cloud folders can be linked to a number of different sources including S3 buckets and FTP servers, allowing exports to be used for integrations with 3rd party software.

Running an export

Simply click on the actions menu for an export and choose run.

Exports can also be scheduled using batch jobs if they are required to run at set frequencies.

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