The benefits of whitespace

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

The benefits of whitespace ⬜

We've done a lot of research and work into helping you effectively use the space on the page. But it would be remiss of us to not mention the positive uses of empty space on a page, aka whitespace. It is often overlooked, but whitespace is an essential part of good application design. It has many benefits for a users experience with a product, including:

  • 👓Improved readability and comprehension: Whitespace makes text easier to read by giving the eyes a break. It also helps to separate different sections of content, making it easier for users to scan and understand.
  • 🧠Increased focus and attention: Whitespace can be used to draw the user's attention to specific elements on the screen. For example, you can use whitespace to surround a call-to-action button, making it more visible and enticing.
  • 📊 Enhanced visual hierarchy: Whitespace can be used to create a visual hierarchy, which helps users to understand the importance of different elements on the screen. For example, you can use more whitespace around important elements, such as headings and headlines, to make them stand out.
  • 🧹 Reduced clutter and fatigue: Whitespace helps to reduce clutter and fatigue on the screen. When there is too much information or too many elements competing for the user's attention, it can be overwhelming and confusing. Whitespace helps to create a sense of calm and simplicity, making it more enjoyable and efficient for users to interact with the application.
Here is a simple analogy to help understand the benefits of whitespace:
Imagine that you are walking into a crowded room. It is difficult to focus on anything because there is so much going on around you. Now imagine that the room is empty, except for a single chair in the center. The chair immediately stands out, and it is much easier to focus on it.

Whitespace works in a similar way in application design. When there is too much clutter on the screen, it is difficult for users to focus on the important things. However, when whitespace is used effectively, it helps to draw attention to the most important elements and makes it easier for users to understand and interact with the application.

Our new layout allows us to bake a level of whitespace into Advanced HR in the form of things like the spacing between headings and paragraph text. Giving you tools like groups and sections gives you more flexibility on how you use the whitespace.

Just remember not all whitespace is bad and sometimes less can be more.

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