Cloud Folders

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

What are Cloud Folders?

Cloud Folders give you the ability to specify locations for files that are either to be used by utilities or are generated by utilities or reports. Those locations can either be subfolders within Advanced HR's internal storage, your own AWS S3 bucket, or an FTP folder on a server.

Using Cloud Folders

You can view the content of any Cloud Folders that you currently have set up by using the files button on the navigation bar.

From the Cloud Folders screen you can:

  • Swap between storage areas and view their content
  • Upload or download files from a storage area
  • Check the status of file scanning


To upload a document click on the Upload button.

Then either drag and drop your file on to the Upload files window, or click choose a file to browse your local machine for the file.

After you've clicked on the Upload button, we'll give your document a quick scan for any malware before we let you access it from the Cloud Folder. You can check the scan status from the Cloud Folder while the scan is being completed.


Select a file and click the download button, the file will start downloading and you'll be presented with the following message:

The file will automatically open once the download has finished.

Setting up new Cloud Folders


This is how the folder will be referred to throughout Advanced HR. Please make sure this name relates to the purpose of the folder.


This is for a more descriptive explanation of the purpose of the folder.


This specifies what method of storage you wish the Cloud Folder to use. Either:

  • Advanced HR storage
  • Amazon S3
  • FTP

We've broken down the specific options for each Type of Cloud Folder below.

Advanced HR storage

This is the internal storage for Advanced HR and is completely managed within the product.


This is the name of the folder used in the Advanced HR internal storage area. It does not get used anywhere else in Advanced HR and is mainly used for support purposes for tracking files stored to internal storage. Please use a sensible name relating to the purpose of the Cloud Folder.

Amazon S3

This is for connecting to an external AWS S3 bucket. It will be owned and managed by a 3rd party or yourself as a client. S3 buckets can be also be accessed through command line or web based interfaces provided by AWS.

Access key

The equivalent of a username for S3 buckets.

Secret key

The equivalent of a password for S3 buckets.


The AWS region in which your S3 bucket is located.

Bucket name

The name of your S3 bucket.


A subfolder inside your S3 bucket.


The de facto standard for flat file transfers. FTP is widely supported and has a vast array of resources and support available online.


The remote server address.


The FTP port.


You can pick between three different types of encryption, including SFTP.

  • Plain FTP
  • Explicit FTP over TLS
  • SSH FTP (aka SFTP)

The username registered with the Host server.


The password registered with the Host server.


A sub folder within the Host server.

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