
Data migration template overview and best practice guide

Helen Williams Updated by Helen Williams


We have created Data Templates to assist with importing data into your Advanced HR system. These have been seperated into files to simplify the process and easily identify what you need to get started.

Data types and format

All sheets provide the data type, format and column name with a colour coded key and helpful tips.

The order of the columns in the sheet match the standard Import Definitions provided in Advanced HR. If there are columns you do not have data for (and they are not mandatory), please leave them blank and fill in the columns you are able to.

Validating and checking your data

When you have completed your data on the sheet, there are a couple of checks you can do to ensure the import will be successful.

The files come with a macro we have created that helps to validate your data. This macro may be blocked by Excel:

To unblock the macro, open the properties of the file and select 'Unblock' in the General tab

CTRL+SHIFT+E to validate data formatting

Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+E will validate the content of the cells. The cells will be checked against the data type and format specified in the first two rows in the sheet. If the data does not match the required type and format it will highlight the cells in red. You can filter on the colour red to locate any errors and correct.

CTRL+SHIFT+M to check for multiline cells

You can import using .csv or .xlsx file. However, in our experience, Imports are often more successful in a raw text format (such as.csv), as this removes problematic formatting that can sometimes be generated by Excel.

As .csv files are one record per line with values separated by commas, multi line fields such as notes fields and values containing commas do not import correctly.

If you have multi-line values and wish to retain that formatting we would recommend importing them separately with an Excel file type such as .xlsx after your .csv import. Alternatively, consider re-formatting the text to a single line and using the .csv file.

We've also provided a tool to identify and fix values containing commas. Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+M will identify any cells with commas, replacing them with a semicolon and highlighting in red for you to review.

You can search the columns for errors found by filtering on the colour.

You can try out the Validation and Multi Line Check on the Validation Format Example tab.

Saving your files

When you have completed your sheet, copy the tab into a new book and save as .csv.

Once you have saved your new .csv file, only reopen it in Notepad. Reopening the file in Excel will reformat the columns causing inconsistencies in your data, like losing preceding zeros on employee IDs and telephone numbers.

Your file can be uploaded to a Cloud Folder in Advanced HR when you are ready to import.

Best practice

Although we have provided tabs for all the tables in Personnel Records, in our experience not all users use them all.

Here's what we recommend to get you started with the basics to make best use of the functionality:

File 1: Lookup Tables

Whilst populating your Lookup Tables can be done using the Data Templates, the records created in the Lookup Tables may not contain all the details required. We recommend populating the following Lookup Tables prior to data import, using this file, to make the most of the functionality available:

Lookup tables

What you need to know


This includes a payroll code which maybe mandatory for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export files.


This includes a payroll code which maybe mandatory if required for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export files and contains Leave Representative email that may be used on certain leave types


This includes a payroll code which maybe mandatory if required for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export files

Job Titles

This includes a payroll code which maybe mandatory if required for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export files and identifies if the title is Managerial to support Line Manager functionality and contains Base Leave Entitlement that may be used if selected in your Leave Policy


This contains Base Leave Entitlement that may be used if selected in your Leave Policy

Cost Centre

Maybe mandatory if required for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export files

File 2: Core HR data

With this file you will create the Personnel Records for all employees in the current tax year with related core HR Data.

Core HR data

What you need to know

Personnel Records 1st Import

This is the first sheet that must be imported to create the Personnel Records. It contains the majority of the items required on the main record and includes mandatory items that may be required for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export file

Personnel Records 2nd Import

Additional HR data you may hold including ED&I, Right to Work, DBS and Alternative Approver details that maybe used to authorise Leave types

Personnel Records 3rd Import

Additional HR data you may hold including Exit interview details, PAE and Pension information, 2nd Bank Account and CPD items


Mandatory if required for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export files and contains the employment information including Division, Location, Job title, Salary, Hours and Leave Policy


Mandatory if required for an Advanced Payroll integration or Payroll export files and contains address details


All absence records

Leave Transactions

Leave that has been purchased, sold or brought forward

Working Pattern

Working days of the week and number of hours on those days. This informs the calculations for duration of absences

Emergency Contacts

Employee Emergency Contacts

Employee Login ready for Go Live

Only required when ready to Go Live

File 3: Additional pay items

With this file you can create additional pay related items.

Additional pay items

What you need to know


Allowance types, payment frequency and amounts


Benefits types, provider, payment frequency and amounts


Bonus types, percentage and amounts


Deduction types, frequency and amounts


Loan types, repayment frequency and amounts


Pension scheme, date and contribution details


Professional body, cost and frequency

File 4: Additional Personnel items

With this file you can create additional Personnel History records with information you may have, and is relevant for your company.

Additional Personnel items

What you need to know


Details of dependant can be used in relevant leave types


Historical appraisal detail, dates and outcomes

CPD Summary

Historical CPD information with accredited percentages and hours


Competency type, date and rating


Historical disciplinary dates, details and outcomes

Equipment Issued

Equipment issued with date issued/returned and serial numbers

Eye Tests

Eye Test dates, costs and claimed

Fitness Assessments

Fitness assessment dates, details and outcomes

Flexible Working

Request dates, reasons, discussion and meeting outcomes and notes


Historical grievance dates, details and outcomes


Historical incidents dates, details and outcomes


Language name, fluency and level

Medical Reports

Medical report type, date requested, cost and details

Previous Employment

Previous employment details

Professional Qualifications

Professional body, membership details and date of expiry


Qualification subject, level details and awarding body

Qualification Units

Attached to relevant Qualification record - Type, reference, date and credits


Referee type, dates and details

Return to Work

RTW interview date, details and outcome

Risk Assessments

Date, reason, equipment issued check box and date of issue

Stat Adoption

Statutory Adoption records

KIT Days Adoption

Attached to relevant Statutory Adoption record - date and reason

Statutory Maternity

Statutory Maternity records

KIT Days Maternity

Attached to relevant Statutory Maternity record - date and reason

Stat Paternity Adoption

Statutory Paternity Adoption records

Stat Paternity Birth

Statutory Paternity Birth records

Stat Shared Par Leave Adopt

Statutory Shared Parental Leave Adoption records

ShPL Adopt Leave Request

Attached to Statutory Shared Parental Leave Adoption record - date and details

ShPL Adopt SPLIT Days

Attached to Statutory Shared Parental Leave Adoption record - date and reason

Stat Shared Par Leave Birth

Statutory Shared Parental Leave Birth records

ShPL Birth Leave Request

Attached to Statutory Shared Parental Leave Birth record - date and details

ShPL Birth SPLIT Days

Attached to Statutory Shared Parental Leave Birth record - date and reason

Training Courses (Bookings)

Historical course details

Training Needs

Date identified, course and required by date

Training Sponsorship

Course title, professional body, dates and details

Training Unavailability

Date from, to and warning

Vehicle Allocations

Date of issue, return and vehicle details

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