Global Additions
by Helen Williams
Global Additions
Welcome to the help page for Global Additions in Advanced HR! In this help document, you will find step-by-step instructions for creating Global Addition defintions. A Global Addition will create new records for history tables. Globally adding records will save time and can reduce the possibility of missing records. Follow the instructions below to get started.
Preparing for a Global Addition
Creating a Global Addition
1) Locate Global Addition
2) Create a new Global Addition - Definition tab
In the Definition tab, enter a name for your Global Addition.
Select a Category. If you create lots of Global Additions this will help you find them by Category in the future.
Enter a Description to help easily identify what the Global Addition will do.
Select the Parent Table, where the History Table you want to add to is located.
Select the Child Table, where the record you want to add will go.
Select a Selection Type.
3) Create a new Global Addition - Security tab
4) Create a new Global Addition- Columns tab
Select the fields require for the records you are adding.
Select the Selection Type. This may differ depending on the field type you have selected.
Select or enter the Value you want the field to be updated with.
Repeat this until you have all the columns required for the record.
Running a Global Addition
Once you have planned and created your Global Addition, it's time to run it. Here's how this can be done.
- In the list of Global Additions, on the line of the Global Addition you would like to run, click on ⋮ to reveal the Actions menu.
- Click Run to run the Global Add.
- When you run the Global Addition you will receive a warning. This will advise the number of records that will be added to the child table selected in the Definition tab.
- If you are ready to proceed with the update, click Yes.
Examples of a Global Addition
Here are a two examples of Global Additions that may give you some ideas on how you can use them.
Example 1 - Adding Bonuses
In the Definition tab, the Parent Table is Personnel Records, the Child Table is Bonuses and Selection Type is All Records.
In the Security tab the access has been set to "Hidden" for all users except Administrators.
In the Columns tab, the field for Type has been selected and using the selection type of Lookup Table value, Christmas Bonus has been selected.
The field for Bonus Date is also selected and date entered.
The field for Amount is also selected and amount entered in the same manner.
This Global addition can now be run to add the bonus records to all employees.
Example 2 - Adding Absences
In the Definition tab, the Base Table is Personnel Records and Selection Type is Filter.
The filter created for this example is:
In the Columns tab, the field for Absence Type and Absence Reason have been selected with Selection type of Lookup table value, and the Absence Type of Annual Leave has been selected.
The fields for Start Date, Start Session, End Date and End Session have also been selected with relevant details entered.
Actions in Global Addition
There are a few other helpful options available in Global Additions. Here's what they can do
In the list of Global Adds, on the line of the Global Add you would like to look at, click on ⋮ to reveal the Actions menu.
- Run: Will run your Global Addition and give you a warning for how many records will be updated and on which table.
- View details: Displays the properties of the Global Addition, including description, created, last save and run dates.
- Edit: Will allow you go enter the Global Addition and make changes if you have the permissions to do so.
- Security: Will allow you to update who will have what access to the Global Addition.
- Duplicate: This will copy the selected Global Addition. Once copied, make your changes and save.
- Delete: If you no longer require a Global Addition this will remove it permanently.