Authorisation policies for leave requests

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

Authorisation policies for leave requests

Amending an authorisation route

  1. Find the Authorisation policy table

Locate the Authorisation policy table in lookup table maintenance, and either create a new policy using Add or amend an existing one by clicking in to it.

On the first tab, you can Link your policy to the type of absence it will relate to using the Absence Type dropdown list.

Where an absence type does not have a corresponding authorisation policy, all requests for that type of absence will be sent to the HR email address specified in the System settings table.
  1. Define the standard authorisation chain

The standard authorisation chain consists of four possible approval stages. Each of the four approval stages can be set to a specific type of authoriser that can be determined per request.

Individual employees can be selected to bypass all authorisation stages. For example you might no want directors or external consultants to go through the authorisation process but still have the ability to record their leave.
Simply make sure Self authorisation allowed is checked on the appropriate Authorisation policy and Leave can be self authorised is checked on the employees Personnel record.
  1. Configure the standard authorisation chain's rules

For the standard authorisation chain you can also specify:

  • The number of authorisers required from the approval chain before a request is fully approved.
  • The number of alerts an authoriser will receive before they are classed as unresponsive.
  • The number of days in between alerts.
  • The maximum number of unresponsive authorisers before automatically declining the request.
If an authoriser has not responded to a request in the amount of time allowed, then the authorisation chain will move to the next authoriser in the chain. In the case of multiple unresponsive authorisers, you can specify the number of unresponsive authorisers you'll allow before automatically rejecting the request.
  1. Additional authorisation for requests that exceed a set duration

You can specify additional authorisation for requests that exceed a set duration. Including:

  • Two additional authorisation stages
  • The maximum duration of standard requests before additional authorisation is required.
If the maximum duration of a normal request is 14 days, a 15 day request will trigger the additional authorisation.
  • The number of authorisers in the chain that you wish to have authorise the request before it is fully approved.
If an additional authoriser is also a standard authoriser, they will see a message on the leave request authorisation advising they are being asked to authorise the request for both scenarios, rather than being asked twice separately.
  1. Additional authorisation for requests that have less notice than required

You can also specify additional authorisation for requests that have less notice than required by the policy:

  • Two additional authorisation stages.
  • The minimum allowed notice period before additional authorisation is required.
  • The number of authorisers in the chain that you wish to authorise the request before it is fully approved.
  1. Authorisation for cancelling booked absences

You can also specify an optional authorisation stage to be included when a user makes a request to cancel a previously approved request.

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Leave Policies
