
The manager persona

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

“I want to authorise Deb’s holiday request”


Managers have a team of employees reporting into them

  • Managers get the same access to their own data that every employee gets
  • They also get read-only access to data pertaining to the team
  • They can only see data for the team that is pertinent to their role
  • Managers get specific functionality for managing their team
  • They often act as the first point for authorising or declining common requests

Key features

These are features that drive the manager experience

  1. Managing absence

A manager is able to manage, map out and report on their teams leave, authorise or reject leave as appropriate.

  1. Performance

Advanced HR contains in built appraisal functionality that is not configurable. For enhanced performance management Clear review is provided as part of the Advanced suite.

  1. Delegation

Managers have processes that allow their experience to be tailored with automated delegation options to provide an efficient way of managing common tasks.


Managers can authorise requests and start the sickness process for members of their team

  1. Absence

Record sickness

Data access

Managers can view the following data about their team

  • Personnel record (‡)
    • Current DBS status (*)
    • Current employment status (*)
    • Current address (*)
    • Current Right to Work status (*)
  • Absence history (‡)
  • Leave request history (‡)
  • Emergency Contacts (†)
  • Competencies (*)
  • Appraisals (‡)
  • Qualifications (*)
  • Training History (‡)
  • Equipment issued (*)
  • Flexible working (*)
† User is able to make direct amendments to data 
‡ User is able to make requests to amend data which are then authorised before the data is stored
* User is not able to make or request amendments through Advanced HR


Managers have team-centric reports for managing absence and performing reviews



Team absence calendar

View your teams historic and upcoming absences

Employee profile

View all data for an employee in a single document for reviews

Full employee profile

View all recorded data for your team in a single document for reviews

Manager organisation report

View all your reportees in an organisation report

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