
Advanced HR 24.3 - 18th May 2023

Kellie Oxley Updated by Kellie Oxley

24.3 Release notes

This page contains details of new and amended functionality included in the software update deployed on the 18th May 2023.

  1. Improvements when uploading your profile photo

What have we done?

We now automatically refresh your uploaded profile photo after 30 seconds, removing the need for you to manually refresh your browser page.

Why have we done this?

Previously any changes to profile photos required a manual browser page refresh. Following feedback we have introduced this change to automatically refresh.

How will you benefit?

You will no longer need to manually refresh the page after uploading your profile photo.

Details of the change

We have implemented an automatic refresh when uploading a profile photo.

To enable the scanning of all uploaded photos we have introduced a 30 second delay whilst the photo is being scanned for malware. During this time the profile icon will be displayed with your initials. When the file scan is complete the profile photo will be displayed.

For further details on configuring profile photos please check the 24.2 release notes.

  1. A new property has been added to Page designer to allow you to align the fields in a group

What have we done?

We have added a new option Field alignment in Group properties within Page designer.

Why have we done this?

To enable you to control alignment of fields within a group.

How will you benefit?

You will now be able to decide the alignment of the fields in a group, particularly useful when aligning a checkbox or a field with a hidden label.

Details of the change

We have added a new Field alignment option within Group properties. You can choose to align fields in a group by top, centre or bottom, read more details about this change under the section Field properties in this page.

Groups created before this update will automatically be set to Align centre, you can amend this by editing the Group properties.
  1. A new option has been added to Page designer to allow you to make a field read only

What have we done?

We have added new options Make field read-only and Make field editable in field properties within Page designer.

Why have we done this?

To enable you to specify whether a field is read only or not.

How will you benefit?

You will now be able to specify whether a field is read only.

Details of the change

New options have been added to field properties Make field read-only and Make field editable. We have also reordered some of the options displayed in field properties to factor in the above changes, read more details about these changes under the section Field properties in this page.

  1. A new function has been added to calculate unworked bank holidays between dates

What have we done?

Added a new function within the expression builder Unworked Bank Holiday Days under the functions group Date/Time.

Why have we done this?

We have added this function to allow for calculations and filters to calculate unworked bank holidays between two supplied dates. The function takes into account bank holidays falling between these dates and relating it to the applicable working pattern.

How will you benefit?

This function can be used to calculate unworked bank holidays between two supplied dates.

Details of the change

This function takes a Start Date and End Date and returns unworked bank holiday days between the two supplied dates. The calculation can be created to display this data on the screen, report output, apply filters e.g. generate a report listing users who have unworked bank holidays days between two dates.

If these changes have been identified as a requirement for your project, your implementation consultant will apply these changes in due course.
  1. A Back button has been added on the Report run page

What have we done?

We have added a button to go back on the Report run page.

Why have we done this?

This will enable you to navigate back to the Report selection page.

How will you benefit?

You will now be able to navigate back to the Report selection page after running a report.

Details of the change

We have provided a button to go back to the Report selection page when you run a report. If you have run a report via a direct link, selecting the back button will take you to the Report selection page.

  1. Ongoing/completed Workflows can now be renamed

What have we done?

We no longer purge completed, in progress and saved for later workflow instances when the workflow name or description is amended.

Why have we done this?

To allow Admins to rename workflows or amend the description without losing any historical workflow data.

How will you benefit?

Admins now have flexibility to rename the workflow or change the description.

Details of the change

We have made changes so that, while editing a workflow Name or Description, any completed, in progress or saved for later workflow instances are no longer purged. The purge confirmation pop-up will no longer appear.

Please note any editing changes take effect after a browser page refresh.
Toggling the Enabled checkbox as in the screenshot above or editing a workflow will continue to purge entries as before.
  1. Read only and lookup fields restyled

What have we done?

We have improved the appearance of read only and look up fields while in edit mode.

Why have we done this?

We have received feedback that the previous styling caused confusion.

How will you benefit?

It is now easier to identify which fields are read only.

Details of the change

The border of look up fields is now black. Read only fields now have a white background and a light grey border. Both of these changes would help a user distinguish between editable and non-editable fields:

  • Before change:
  • After change:

Additional cosmetic changes

  1. Workflow styles are now consistent with the rest of the application
    1. Spacing between labels and values have now been removed. Field labels are now displayed in a lighter contrast:
  2. Dark Mode now fully applied to the donut tiles on the home page
    1. The centre part of the donut tiles now supports the dark mode:
  1. Scroll bar on the landing page tiles now only appear where necessary
    1. A scroll bar will now only appear if there are too many records to fit on the tile:

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Advanced HR 24.2 - 13th April 2023
