Moving employees between leave years

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

Occasionally you may need to move one or more employees between leave years. In these situations we need to not only state the new leave year an employee is on, but also wrap up any values tied to the leave year. This includes closing any open leave transactions, recording year-to-date values and creating a new leave brought forward record.

Moving employees between leave years

Assigning an employee to a new leave year is as simple as changing the leave year value on their employment history. But you will need consider all the related processes to successfully complete the move.

  1. Set any open leave transactions to have a use-by-date equal to their last day on the old leave year.
  2. Complete the current employment history record by entering an end date.
  3. Create a new historic leave values record with the employee's current leave values.
  4. Create a new leave transaction for any leave they are allowed to carry over as a brought forward value.
  5. Create a new employment history record with the new leave year by:
    1. Duplicating the closed record from step (2)
    2. Clear the end date
    3. Enter a new start date
    4. Enter the new leave year
    5. Save the employment history record
  6. The employee's current leave year is visible on their personnel record. If the new employment history record is current then the new leave year values should now be shown. If the new employment history record is in the future, the new values will show on the personnel record on the day it becomes effective.
Leave transactions are split into used and lapsed amounts on the day after the use by date. As such, if the leave year and leave transaction dates overlap you may need to manually calculate the amount of the transaction used.

Moving everyone off a leave year

Here we can use the year end rollover process to automatically process a lot of data.

  1. Override the end date for the leave year being closed.
  2. Run the batch job for the leave year end process the day after the end date.
  3. Export the employees current employment history records to a spreadsheet.
  4. Modify the leave year values on the spreadsheet to the new leave year.
  5. Import the spreadsheet to create new employment history records.

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Configuring leave years

Rolling over a leave year
