Creating new fields

Kellie Oxley Updated by Kellie Oxley

Creating new fields

Administrators can now create new fields in the database from the Advanced HR web application. There is no need to perform a system save and the field will be available immediately to be used in any report, process, or page.

The Create new field function can be found in the Column field screen under the Add element menu:

The create field process guides the administrator through three steps, as detailed below.

  1. Step 1 – Field type - There are now seven field types to choose from:
  2. Step 2 – Settings - The following fields are available for the different field type chosen
    1. Text field type - An option of Default value is now available:
    2. Numeric field type - An option of Default value is now available:
    3. Date field type - An option of Default value is now available:
    4. Checkbox field type - An option of Default value is now available:
    5. Select from list field type - Ability to create a new field as either a dropdown list, radio button or defined as a lookup:
      If using the style Lookup, select from lookup table the filter option is based on the record type.
    6. Working pattern field type - Define a field type with a working pattern:
    7. Upload field type - Create a field type with a document upload or photo upload option:
  3. Step 3 – Summary - The final step is a summary of the settings chosen before the field is created and added to the current page tab. Check that the details are as expected prior to Saving them as the changes will be immediately visible. If changes are required then select Prev to go back and amend the details, selecting Cancel will quit without saving any changes.

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