
The diversity, inclusion and equality questionnaire

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.
This article goes into detail on the content and configuration of the diversity questionnaire. Check out our process summary if you require a lighter overview.

The flow

The DEI questionnaire follows a set flow of stages; first offering a couple of statement pages, then asking a series of questions, and finally an optional validation stage.

The text and questions have been selected based on the guidance given by the office of national statistics and closely mirrors the questions asked on the 2021 national census. The question asked, description, statement and help text of each phase can be configured to allow you reword the questions as you see fit. For consistency in statutory national reporting requirements it is not possible to amend the possible choices available to answer each question.

Stage 1: Diversity equality and inclusion statement

Purpose: To provide an opening statement around the collection and use of diversity data.

The Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Statement


This is a generic opening statement for the diversity questionnaire and can be amended from the Question template lookup table.


We would like to take a moment to express our gratitude for your participation in our online diversity questionnaire. At [insert company], we believe that diversity is not just a buzzword, but a cornerstone of our values.


We understand that our workforce is made up of individuals with unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds, and we embrace these differences as a means of enriching our workplace culture. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported.


Our goal is to create a workplace where all employees have the opportunity to thrive and succeed, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or any other characteristic. We recognize that achieving this goal requires ongoing effort and a commitment to continuous improvement, and we are dedicated to that effort.


We encourage you to continue to engage with us in this journey towards greater diversity and inclusivity. Your participation in our online diversity questionnaire is just one step in this ongoing effort, and we appreciate your willingness to be a part of it.


If you’d like to know more, please check out our diversity statement at [insert location].

Stage 2: Data protection statement

Purpose: To provide an statement detailing your companies data protection policy.

Data Protection Statement


At [insert company], we take the protection of your personal data very seriously. As such, we are committed to ensuring that any personal information we collect and process is done so in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


We will only collect personal information that is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed, and we will ensure that this data is kept accurate, up-to-date, and secure. We will not share your personal data with third parties unless we are legally required to do so, or unless we have your explicit consent.


Under the GDPR, you have certain rights in relation to your personal data, including the right to access, correct, and delete your personal information. You also have the right to restrict or object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the contact details provided below.


We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data and to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage. We regularly review and update our security measures to ensure that they remain effective.


If you have any questions or concerns about how we collect and process your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at [insert contact details here].

It's a great idea to specifically mention who your data protection officer is and will help you comply with GDPR

Stage 3: Disability

Purpose: To determine if someone considers themselves to be disabled

Question 1 of 8


A disabled person is defined under the Equality Act 2010 as someone with a ‘physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on that person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’


Do you consider yourself to be disabled?


⚪ Yes

⚪ No

⚪ Don't know

⚪ Prefer not to say


All responses are optional and kept confidential as per our data protection statement.

Stage 4: Impairments

Purpose: To record the nature of the users impairments

Question 2 of 8


Historically, the medical model has been the predominant way of thinking about disability, where an individual is defined by their condition. The choices below are based on the medical model.


Please select the options that apply to you.


⬜ Impaired vision

⬜ Impaired hearing

⬜ Impaired mobility

⬜ Impaired dexterity

⬜ Impaired learning or understanding or concentrating

⬜ Impaired memory

⬜ Impaired mental health

⬜ Impaired staima or breathing or fatigue

⬜ Impaired socially or behaviourally

Other (please specify)



All responses are optional and kept confidential as per our data protection statement.

Stage 5: Special requirements

Purpose: To record any special requirements needed for the employee to reasonably work.

Question 3 of 8


We use the social model to inform disability action planning. This means concentrating on the environment and removing barriers wherever possible that get in the way of a disabled person from doing their job.


In order to be successful in your role, do you require any reasonable adjustments to be put in place? Please specify in the box below.




If you feel any of your requirements are not being met, please get in touch with HR so we can help.

Stage 6: Nationality

Purpose: To ascertain the employees national identity.

Question 4 of 8


How would you describe your national identity?


⚪ British or Mixed British

⚪ English

⚪ Irish

⚪ Scottish

⚪ Welsh

Any other? (please specify)


Stage 7: Ethnicity

Purpose: To ascertain the employees ethnicity.

Question 5 of 8


What is your ethnic group?



⚪ English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British

⚪ Irish

⚪ Gypsy or Irish Traveller

⚪ Roma

Any other White background



Black, Black British, Caribbean or African

⚪ Caribbean

⚪ African

⚪ Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background



Asian or Asian British

⚪ Indian

⚪ Pakistani

⚪ Bangladeshi

⚪ Chinese

Any other Asian background



Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

⚪ White and Black Caribbean

⚪ White and Black African

⚪ White and Asian

Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background



Other ethnic group

⚪ Arab

Other ethnic group



These categories were used in the 2021 Census and are listed alphabetically.

Stage 8: Gender identity

Purpose: To ascertain the employees gender identity.

Question 6 of 8


This question is voluntary.


Is your gender the same as the sex you were registered at birth?


⚪ Yes

⚪ No

⚪ Prefer not to say


If your gender is not the same as the sex recorded on your birth certificate when you were born (for example, you are transgender or non-binary), tick “No”.


If you answered no, please enter the term you use to describe your gender. This is also voluntary, so you can leave it blank if you prefer.


If you would like to record that you have variations of sex characteristics, sometimes also known as intersex, you can use this write-in box. If you would like to, you can also write-in your gender (for example: ‘intersex, non-binary’). 

Stage 9: Sexual orientation

Purpose: To ascertain the employees sexual orientation.

Question 7 of 8


The purpose of the question is to help find out how many people in the population are lesbian, gay or bisexual. Together with other data your response will be used to monitor equality of opportunity. This will help identify discrimination and disadvantage experienced amongst our colleagues on the basis of sexual orientation.


What is your sexual orientation?

⚪ Bi-Sexual

⚪ Gay woman/lesbian

⚪ Gay man

⚪ Heterosexual/straight

⚪ Prefer not to say

Other (please specify)


Stage 10: Religious beliefs

Purpose: To ascertain the employees religious belief.

Question 8 of 8


It's important to us that we offer a safe and welcoming place to work for all people regardless of their religious beliefs.


Monitoring this allows us to support our colleagues and foster an inclusive environment.


What is your religion?

⚪ Agnostic

⚪ Atheist

⚪ Bah’ai

⚪ Buddhist

⚪ Christian – Catholic

⚪ Christian – Protestant

⚪ Christian – Other

⚪ Hindu

⚪ Humanism

⚪ Jain

⚪ Jewish

⚪ Muslim

⚪ Pagan

⚪ Rastafarian

⚪ Scientologist

⚪ Shinto

⚪ Sikh

⚪ Zoroastrian

⚪ No religion or belief

⚪ Prefer not to say

Any other religion or belief


Stage 11: Closing statement

Purpose: To provide a closing statement for the employee explaining what will happen next.

Closing statement


Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. It really helps us provide a better work environment for everyone.


From the HR team.

Stage 12: Validate and update the personnel record

Purpose: To provide the data controller with a way of validating responses and determining which values should be copied to the employees personnel record.

This is an example where an employee has submitted a free-text response for the impairments question.


The validation page provides a way to amend any values before they are saved to the employees main personnel record. Please note that all responses are saved with their original and unedited values in the Questionnaire response table. The validated and amended responses are saved to the Personnel record to allow for more consistent reporting.



In this example the data controller could potentially classify the free-text response as being related to impaired concentration. Ticking the impaired concentrating checkbox and then Update impairments with new value will update the personnel record with the value chosen.

Configuring statements

The DEI questionnaire can be configured through the Question template table.

Each stage of the questionnaire follows the same layout on the page

The stage title, stage number and question choices are fixed and can not be amended.

The subtitle, description, question text and help text are editable through the related record in the Question template table. If any of these fields are left blank then they will not be shown during the questionnaire.

Updating the personnel record

It is possible to enable or disable a final optional stage for the questionnaire from the System settings table.

Selecting to Validate DEI responses will send an action to the designated DEI data controller, who can also be configured from the Process emails tab.

More than one data controller? You can also use a group email address and the action will be sent to anyone who has that same email in the Email Group field on their Personnel record.


We supply a number a standard reports that tie into the DEI questionnaire responses. All the reports can be found easily by filtering the custom reports list by the category of Diversity Equality Inclusion.

Disability and Impairments

Shows the disability and impairment status for current employees

Ethnicity and Nationality pivot output

Provides an anonymised output of ethnicity and nationality data that can be used in excel pivot tables.

Gender pivot output

Provides an anonymised output of gender and sexuality data that can be used in excel pivot tables.

Questionnaire return review

An anonymised report showing all question responses for questionnaires returned since a given date.

No completed questionnaire return in 12 months

Show any current personnel that have not completed a DEI questionnaire in the last 12 months.

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