Advanced HR 24.1 Hotfix - 11th October 2024 Updated by

24.1 Hotfix Release notes

This page contains details of new and amended functionality included in the software update deployed on 10th October 2024.

File dialogs removed in System Manager

What have we done?

We have removed file dialogs and replaced with filename inputs.

Why have we done this?

To strengthen our security around file handling in the cloud.

How will you benefit?

This keeps your files more secure and stops attack vectors from malicious actors.

Details of the change

Within System Manager, the File Dialog has been removed from the import and export options for Test-to-Live functionality and replaced with a more secure filename option.

AVA has been retired

What have we done?

We have retired the AVA chatbot.

Why have we done this?

Following feedback and on-going analysis of the feature it was apparent that AVA did not meet your needs. After careful evaluation and the increasing use of AI chatbots, it was decided that the current implementation of AVA would never meet the current needs and expectations of the market.

Details of the change

The AVA button has been removed from the top menu bar.

We have also released numerous fixes for bugs and remediations for our most recent external PEN tests.

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Retiring AVA
