Actions navigation

Kellie Oxley Updated by Kellie Oxley

Actions navigation

The Actions option is seen on the side navigation bar within Advanced HR:

This replaces the old Process option you would have previously accessed from the side navigation bar or triggered through a tile on the Home page, these were all previously referred to as Workflows:

Selecting any of these Actions (Previously workflows) will now launch them in a new flyout drawer from the right of the screen and the columns and labels are now listed down the page in the new layout:

For a short period of time there will be a button available on each action labelled Old layout, which allows any user to switch any action back to the (pre-24.1 release) fixed position layout you would have previously used, since you may have configured columns and labels to display in a certain order. Selecting the Old Layout button will present the window as follows, however this depends how you had your columns/labels configured, so it may look slightly different to the example we have shown below. You can switch back to the new layout at any point using the button New layout:

The Old Layout button feature will be a temporary solution to allow Administrators time to configure the layout correctly to be displayed in the exact positioning layout.

Where administrators need to make changes to configure the layout for any actions (previously workflows), this will need to be performed in System Manager > Workflow Designer and will require a Standard System Save for any changes to take affect.

Administrators have an additional feature available within the Workflow properties for each action in System Manager, to permanently switch an action to the new layout once any layout issues are resolved, once this is switched off by Admins the Old layout button will no longer be seen by users:

We will communicate more toward the removal of this interim solution of toggling between the old and new layout options, though it is intended to provide Administrators until the June 2023 release to amend the layout before we disable this feature.

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