Rolling over a leave year

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

When your leave year comes to an end there are set processes you always need to do, like working out your employees leave entitlement for the next year. As Advanced HR allows you to have multiple leave years simultaneously we wrapped up the common year end actions into a single batch job to make the processes as easy and transparent as possible.

Notification email

On the day you need to run the year end process we'll send out a reminder email to the process email address for HR.

To change the process email for HR go to:
📂 Admin > Lookup table maintenance > System settings table > Process emails

The email will inform HR of which leave year is due to roll over and how HR can initiate the automated roll over processes by running the End of Year batch job.


Hello HR,

The last day of the Holiday year was on 31/12/2023 and it is now time to perform a year end rollover.

To initiate the automatic process, please run the 'End of Year' batch job from...

Utilities > Batch >  End of Year

... and select the option for 'Holiday'.


This will perform the following actions for any current employee assigned to this leave year...

1) Save the Current Leave Year values to each employees Leave Values History.

2) Create a new transaction record for Leave Brought Forward.

3) Update the dates for the Holiday year.

4) Recalculate all Leave Entitlement and Leave Taken values for the new leave year.

5) Generate a report detailing the new values. 


Please Note:

  • The value to rollover is calculated based on the maximum amount to rollover setting on the Leave Policy assigned to the employee.
  • Any employees who have their leave entitlements overridden with specified values will need to be manually verified and updated if required.
  • The leave year's start and end dates may be adjusted from the Leave Years lookup table if required.

The end of year rollover process

A basic overview of the roll over process is available in our processes documentation and a more in-depth explanation is below.

1) Store the current year-to-date values

The first stage of the process is recording an employee's year-to-date values for their leave related data and storing this in their Historic leave values table.

This means you will be able to report historically on:

  • what leave year an employee was on and what the dates where
  • what their entitlement and brought forward values were
  • what leave transactions they made
  • how much leave was taken

2) Bring forward unused and negative balances

Your leave policy may specify an maximum amount of balance that an employee can roll over into the new year; and it may also potentially allow employees to go into a negative leave balance. In both cases the roll over process will create a new Leave Transaction record with either:

Scenario 1) An employee ends the year with a positive balance

We look at the leave policy's maximum rollover setting and compare it against the employee's final balance to calculate amount they are allowed to roll over. Then we look at the leave policy's use-by-date setting and create a new leave transaction record with roll over amount and use-by-date.

If Bob ends the year with a balance of 8 days and the policy says he can roll over a maximum of 5 that will be valid for 6 months. A leave transaction record will be created with a value of 5 and a use-by-date 6 months in the future. Bob will lose the remaining 3 days.
Scenario 2) An employee ends the year with a negative balance

We create a leave transaction record with the full negative balance and a use-by-date of the end of the next leave year.

If Sue ends the year with a balance of -4 days, a leave transaction will be created with a value of -4 and be valid for the whole of the next leave year. This will result in Sue's available leave balance being reduced by the 4 days she owes for the whole of the next leave year.
You may also specify the maximum amount of negative balance an employee is allowed on the leave policy.

3) Update the leave year dates

Arguably the most crucial part of a year end rollover is actually incrementing your dates for the current leave year. So in this stage we update the current leave year start and end dates with the next leave year start and end dates. We also untick the override end date check so that explicitly set end dates from the previous year are overwritten.

4) Recalculate leave entitlement and leave taken values

With the old values recorded and the new dates entered, we can now calculate our new values for the upcoming year. In this stage we refresh any employment history records that fall into the previous and current leave years.

This has the following actions:

  1. re-calculating any prorated values that sum towards the employee's total leave entitlement displayed on their personnel record
  2. re-calculating the following values on the employee's personnel record
    leave taken
    leave booked
    leave pending
    leave total allowance
    leave total deductions
    leave available to be booked
Leave transactions have use-by-dates that are set to some point during the leave year. The process for handling lapsed amounts from transactions that have past their use-by-date is separate to the year end roll over process. As such it's important not to rollover a leave year early, as transactions may not have reached their use-by-date and this will cause inconsistencies in the employee's leave balance.

5) Generate a report

Finally, we'll generate a report that details all the previous year-to-date values that have been recorded, along with the new entitlement values that have just be calculated for the upcoming year.

Before the report is run for the first time please specify the output location you wish report contents to be saved to for any subsequent runs.

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