APIs for integration


Advanced HR is a modern application that recognises the need to utilise the people data managed by your HR solution for wider purposes across your business.

Advanced HR provides 'out of the box' integration to other systems such as Advanced Payroll but also has a range of open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allows developers to integrate your data into other applications, in a secure, and supported manner.

Our API standards dictate that any published version of our APIs must be supported forever. If we need to make a significant change we will always release it under an incremented version. That way you can choose to move to the new version when you are ready, and any existing integrations will not be impacted.

Getting started

In order to use the Advanced HR APIs you will first need to make a secure API client account.

You will also need a method of testing the APIs. We suggest testing with Postman.

The definitions

Once you have an API account and a testing sandbox via Postman, you can start utilising the APIs documented below.

Advanced HR API:

We have fixed endpoints that allow for pulling certain aspects of employee data and posting absences. Documentation for those fixed endpoints is located at https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/AdvancedComputerSoft/hcm-api/

We also have an OData endpoint that allows API clients to request any fields from any table or view in HR. Those clients can also filter, sort and paginate the JSON response. See our OData guide for more information.

Payroll API:

We have specific APIs for interacting with the payroll transfers queue to allow for payroll integrations, the documentation for which is available at https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/AdvancedComputerSoft/HCM-Payroll-API/

Not what you're looking for?

We're continually adding to our APIs as part of our ongoing roadmap and will update this page with further details as they become available.

Advanced HR also allows for flat-file integrations over SFTP. Have a look at our Cloud Folder and Export documentation if you want to set up a flatfile integration.

Looking for something a little less technical? Try our API guide for HR.

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Confidential clients

OData APIs
