Restricting access to specific employees from HR advisors

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

You may have certain employees who you wish to hide from HR advisors. For example, maybe you don't want those advisors to be able to see the records of other HR staff or maybe you don't want to them to see your director’s personal information. In these cases, we can hide employees from HR advisors; either based on their role or on an individual employee basis.

Restricting employees by role

To restrict employees by the role they perform; head to look up table maintenance and the job title table.

Here you will find each record has a checkbox called is Restricted Role.

When this box is checked on a given role, any employees who are currently assigned this role will be marked as is restricted on their Personnel Record and hidden from all standard published views given to HR advisors (more on that below).

Restricting individual employees

You can also restrict employees on an individual basis. Simply head to their Personal Record Role tab and find the Force Restriction checkbox.

Checking this box will mark the employee as Is Restricted and hide the employee record from any standard published views assigned to HR advisors.

Please note that if you create your own views these restrictions will not automatically be applied. You will need to consider them in any filters that you make by including a check on if the field is restricted.

Including the following three lines to any filter on Personnel records will exclude restricted employees...

Restricted and unrestricted views

Views are permanent filters that allow quick access to specific groups of records. You'll find them listed under the pages they're associated with in the Records menu.

By default, HR advisors are given access to the views:

  • Current employees
  • New starters
  • Leavers

Each of these views has the is Restricted field included in their filter and so will not show restricted employee records.

If you don't want HR advisors to be able to amend their own records, make sure their Job Title or Personnel Record are marked as restricted.

HR managers on the other hand have access to the views:

  • All current employees
  • All new starters
  • All levers

These views do not check the is Restricted field, so will show all employee records regardless of if the employee or roll is marked as restricted.

Reports and Utilities will only show records that a user already has access to through their views.

This means if a malicious user tries to create a new report to show all Personnel Records but only has access to the Current employees view; the report would only include current employees and not new starters, leavers or restricted records.

Views can therefore be used to compartmentalise records between user groups; whilst still allowing individual users to create the reports and utilities they need to be efficient in their role.

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