Files uploaded via an import

Kellie Oxley Updated by Kellie Oxley

Files uploaded via an import

When uploading a file via an import you will notice various changes along the way, as we have introduced new messaging and notifications as well as displaying what the status of the file scan is for any files that are uploaded.

Uploading a file via an import now presents a pop up to make you aware the file will be scanned for malware, you can click 'Import' to continue importing or 'Cancel' to cancel uploading the file -

Clicking 'Import' will start the import process and you will notice an Import dialogue at the bottom right of your screen with a status of 'Uploading' -

Once the upload is complete the status will then change to 'Scanning' -

Then to 'Importing' -

Providing the file scan and import is successful, the status will then change to 'Complete' and you can click the 'View details' button -

The details are presented in a pop up as follows, click 'Dismiss' to dismiss the details -

If the file scan was successful but the import fails, due to issues with the file format then the status will display as 'Import failed' and you can click on the 'View details' button -

The details are presented in a pop up as follows, click 'Dismiss' to dismiss the details -

If the file scan fails, then the status will display as 'File Rejected' and you can click on the 'View details' button -

The file will not be saved and the details are presented in a pop up as follows, click 'Dismiss' to dismiss the details, you will also receive an email containing further details of what you should do next -

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