
Advanced HR 23.2 - 27th October 2022

Kellie Oxley Updated by Kellie Oxley

23.2 Release notes

This page contains details of new and amended functionality included in the software update deployed on the 27th October 2022

  1. Permitting batch job steps to continue if an earlier step fails

What have we done?

A new parameter option has been added to the ‘Job Selection’ page to allow you to determine whether, should the job selected fail, whether subsequent jobs should continue to run regardless.

Why have we done this?

We have introduced this new feature following several requests for this capability to be made available.

How will we benefit?

At present if any step in a Batch Job fails then the system terminates other steps in the batch job. This happened even if the subsequent steps were not dependent on successful execution of the job that failed. This could have caused issues for integrations involving scheduled file transfers for example. As a result of this therefore it will ensure there are no delays in processing key steps which have no dependency on the failed one.

Details of the change

This option is now available to select on the batch jobs selection screen as shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1 - New option to permit continuation of a job following an earlier job failure

This option will remain unchecked for all existing Batch Job Definitions made prior to this option becoming available and will need to be enabled on a case-by-case basis, as deemed required.

If this option is enabled on a particular step and that step fails, then the process will run subsequent steps until all jobs are complete or another step fails. If any of the subsequent steps fail due to their own reason and do not have this option checked, the whole Batch Job thereafter will stop as per usual behaviour.

For example, if a batch job is defined with 10 jobs in it and “Allow batch job to continue on failure” flag is enabled only on job #2, and job #2 fails, jobs 3-7 will continue but if job #7 fails then jobs 8-10 will not run as the new option is not checked on job #7.

  1. OpenPeople integration improvements

What have we done?

We have introduced improvements for customers that utilise Advanced HR in conjunction with OpenPeople Payroll to extend the OpenPeople integration to facilitate extra grouping options for employees.

Why have we done this?

Previously, the grouping options available were limited to a pre-defined set including Department; Division; Cost-Centre; and Location. Customers requested that this be extended further

How will we benefit?

OpenPeople integrations will now be able to transfer an extra ten additional user-definable grouping fields. This will support enhanced reporting and payment processing in OpenPeople

Details of the change

We have not provided detail of how this enhanced integration is implemented here as our Implementation Consultant will undertake the necessary changes for you.

If you have already identified a need for these changes as part of your project, your implementation consultant will be in contact to apply the required changes.

  1. Advanced HR home page tab updated

What have we done?

Following customer feedback, changes have been made to the text displayed in the browser tab when viewing the Advanced HR homepage.

Why have we done this?

Currently, the text display does not adequately identify the homepage tab for users utilising multiple browser tabs at a time.

How will we benefit?

Following this change it will be easier to identify, where multiple tabs are open, which tab relates to the Home page of Advanced HR.

Details of the change

The title in the browser tab will now clearly reference Home page - Advanced HR as follows:

Figure 2 - Home page clarity in browser tab

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Advanced HR 23.3 - 15th December 2022
