
The administrator persona

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

“I want to digitise and automate our ABC form process”


Administrators can add to or amend the core functionality

  • They have full access to all data and functionality
  • They are able to make new fields
  • They can design pages
  • They can create new automated processes

Key features

These are features that drive the administrator experience

  1. Page designer
    An administrator can amend page layout and create new fields through the page designer
  2. User group maintenance
    They can define user groups and permissions to data and functionality
  3. Process designer
    An administrator can create automated processes


There are no specific automated processes just for administrators

  • Full access to all automated processes provided to any other persona groups
  • Ability to manage active processes
  • Ability to create new processes

Data access

Administrators can see and edit all data pertaining to employees or any other data set

  • Personnel records
  • Fleet records
  • Regional information
  • Lookup tables
  • System settings table


Administrators have access to all standard reporting functionality plus additional audit log reports



Audit data changes

To view insert, update and delete changes to audited data

Audit data permission changes

To view amendments to user group access

Audit user account maintenance

To view creation and deletion of user accounts

Audit administrator user access

To view access to the back-end system administration applications

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The manager persona

The employee persona
