Edit Tabs

Kellie Oxley Updated by Kellie Oxley

Edit Tabs

The Edit tabs option is available at the bottom within Page Designer:

Selecting Edit tabs presents a flyout drawer from the right of your screen as follows:

Here you can view all the tabs you currently have displayed on the page.

  1. Selecting the 3 dots by the side of each tab name presents four options:
    1. Move up and down - allows you to reorder where you want the tab to be displayed
    2. Rename - allows you to rename the tab
    3. Delete - allows you to delete the tab
  2. You can also choose to Add tab which will allow you to add a new tab onto the page:
    1. A new tab will be added to the bottom, you can give the tab a name and select the green tick to save that tab.
    2. Any new tabs that are created, you then have the option to make them visible or not by selecting the icon as shown below:
    3. Select Apply once you are happy with the layout of the current tabs and have added any new tabs to the page.

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