Employee details pages

Kellie Oxley Updated by Kellie Oxley

Employee details pages

Selecting Employee details pages within the Records option from the side navigation bar, now presents those pages as follows:

The page is now in a single column layout inline with our accessibility standards, this allows the path to completion in a straight line down the page, reducing the risk of a user missing fields or entering data in the wrong place, and better suited for mobile users too.

  1. The order that the fields are displayed down the page is determined by the tab index value for each field, as specified in the screen designer in System Manager (shown for reference in the red box below):
    Administrator users can correct the order of any misplaced fields in System Manager’s screen designer, or in the New Page Designer in the web - to view details of how to do this, see this page here Page Designer. Note: the tidy up of the new default page should be undertaken ahead of the June 2023 release at which point the Old Layout option will be removed.

Toggling back to the old layout

For a period of time there will be a button labelled Old Layout available, which allows any user to switch any form back to the fixed position layout:

The form will be displayed in the Old layout until the user chooses to revert to the New Layout. This temporary functionality (it will remain in place until the June 2023 release) aims to give Administrator users some time to correct any misaligned controls:

Default read-only forms

Employee screens are now displayed in read-only mode by default:Users can switch to editing mode by clicking the Edit button (shown if they have edit permissions on the screen).

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