Leave Policies

Joe Julian Updated by Joe Julian

This article is for the standard version of Advanced HR
If your company has amended or configured the system, some of the information in this documentation may not be relevant to you.
If you are unsure whether something in this documentation applies to your version of the system, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

Leave Policies

Welcome to the help page for setting up leave policies in Advanced HR! In this help document, you will find step-by-step instructions for creating leave policies. If you require one or more leave policies, Advanced HR makes it easy for you to set up and assign to employees. Follow the instructions below to get started.

Setting Up a New Leave Policy

All businesses have one or more leave policies, these can be different for different types of employees. Here's how this can be done.

1) Find the Leave Policies Table
◼ In Admin Lookup Table Maintenance, search for the Leave Policies Table and click the link to access the table.
2) Create a new Leave Policy and fill in the description
◼ Click on the Add button.
◼ Enter a name for your leave policy.
◼ Enter a description to help easily identify the policy details.
◼ Set the Entitlement in value to either Hours or Days
3) Then specify the leave entitlement options
Go to the Entitlement tab.
◼ Select the calculation method.

◼ Tick if you wish to give back unworked Bank Holidays.
◼ Select the rounding method.

◼ Enter a Base Value and/or select where the base value will come from.

◼ If your policy includes increments for service, enter the years and/or months with the value.
There are 5 options available for incremental service.

◼ If your policy includes increments for service, enter when you would like this to be applied.

◼ If you have selected calculation methods By Time Worked This Year enter the multiplier for time worked value.
If you have selected Base Value from Employee Grade or Job title, remember to update the Lookup Table. Click here to find out more!
4) Then set up your leave brought forward, purchased and sold options
Go to the Transactions tab.
◼ If you allow leave to be brought forward and/or purchased, choose how you wish to define the value that is calculated for the total 'used' leave.

Leave taken totals up any leave durations between the start of the leave year and the current date.
Leave booked totals up all leave durations for this current leave year, this value includes future leave bookings that have not yet been taken.

◼ Select how many weeks the brought forward and/or purchased leave use by reminder will be sent.

◼ If you allow leave to be brought forward, select the maximum allowed roll over value.

◼ Select when the brought forward and/or purchased is to be used by.

◼ If Specified Duration is selected, choose the number of months for this duration.

Assigning Leave Policies to Employees

Now the leave policies have been created, they need to be assigned to employees. Here's how this can be done

1) Assigning a leave policy to an individual employee record
◼ Locate the Personnel Record and go to the Employment History in Full Details Employment & Compensation category.
◼ Select the latest current Employment History record, click on the Edit button and enter an End Date, click on the Save button.
◼ Return to the Employment History list and copy this record.
◼ Update the Start date and End date.
◼ Go to the Leave Entitlements tab.
◼ Locate the Leave Entitlement Policy column and click to reveal the policies available.
◼ Click the link for the policy required.
◼ Click on the Save button
2) Assigning a policy to multiple employee records
◼ If multiple employee records need to be update with a policy, the quickest way to do this is by using an Import to update your old records and create new ones all in one go.
Best Practice: It is recommended to create a new Employment record, rather than amend an existing record, due to pro-rating leave entitlements!

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Authorisation policies for leave requests
