The theory of good design

​Page structure and information foraging

This article talks about the importance of page structure in supporting your users forage for data.

Joe Julian
Updated by Joe Julian

The benefits of whitespace

This article talks about how you can use whitespace to produce a user experience with less cognitive load.

Joe Julian
Updated by Joe Julian

Thinking of the fold

In this article you'll learn about The fold. An old (but still useful) concept of making your most important items the quickest to access.

Joe Julian
Updated by Joe Julian


This article talks about why it's best to reduce instances of field wrapping.

Joe Julian
Updated by Joe Julian

Accessibility and usability

We're regularly updating Page designer to bring improvements to Advanced HR and how your users interact with it. With all the tools that are now available to empower you to create and customise your…

Joe Julian
Updated by Joe Julian

Design for intuition

We're regularly updating Page designer to bring improvements to Advanced HR and how your users interact with it. With all the tools that are now available to empower you to create and customise your…

Joe Julian
Updated by Joe Julian

Vertical vs horizontal layouts

We're regularly updating Page designer to bring improvements to Advanced HR and how your users interact with it. With all the tools that are now available to empower you to create and customise your…

Joe Julian
Updated by Joe Julian
